New Moon Countdown

Friday, July 31, 2009

New Moon Audio Book Parts 18-27

Here's this weeks parts and last weeks which I have to make up. Enjoy!

Peace Love Twilight

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Nothing to blog about, noth-nothing to blog about!

Peace Love Twilight

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Blogging Obsession

I have nothing to blog about, but I have an obsession to blogging. I would love to obsessivly blog, but I don't have that kind of time. And since my fellow bloggers clearly don't blog much, I am welcoming new bloggers! Email me at,, with your blog address--if you have one and why you would be a good fellow blogger, and I would like to know when you are available to blog.
I appreciate your help.

Peace Love Twilight

Edi G. On Twitter

The Twilight Twitter Community is forever growing! Edi Gathegi is now a fellow Twitter-er! Follow him here.

Source: TwiCrack
Peace Love Twilight

Twitter, Twitter, Twitter! -Mandazz

So Does That Make Me A: Volturi-Cullen Girl?

Blood types. Vampires drink blood. Do they have a preference in blood types--like the ones on the hit television series True Blood?
I'll bet the Cullens have a preference--aside from animal blood--lets say Type AB for the Cullens--just because it's different.

Let's say the nomadic vampires--such as James, Victoria, and Laurent--have a preference for Type A--just because it's natural.

Let's say the Volturi clan have a preference for Type B--just because it's different but classic.

Well, what about Type O? I recently found that I am someone who should be donating blood because I have Type O. I think it makes me special! :) However, the doctor told me it was my choice. Because my blood does not run in simple places to retrieve--such as the crease of the elbow and my right wrist--it would be difficult to get ahold of the blood, but, at the same time I have Type O which means it's basically a, "good for everybody," blood. Does that mean I would appeal to vegetarian vampires--like the Cullens, nomadic vampires--like James' clan, and the Volturi--of whom I cannot specify.

Peace Love Twilight
I don't know my blood type, but I think I'm a Cullen girl. Lol! -TS
I'm an evil vampire! Dundundun! Lol! -Bella

Freaking Ridiculous: Twilight Star Replaced

Yeah, I read this article last night and I was so disappointed!
Rachelle Lefevre won't be playing Victoria in Eclipse because of scheduling conflicts. Rachelle has had such a high spirit and has been so into her character, and mentioned favorite scenes, and just seems generally like a great spirit. Why she would give up Twilight, I am cluless. Even though she wasn't a main character, I am very disappointed in her leaving.
It's depressing, every Twilight blog out there has been honoring her this morning with several posts.

Peace Love Twilight


You're right, she always had a great spirit--which is uncommon around Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. She was always a good spirt. Love you Rachelle! -TS

Why Rachelle? Why? -Bella

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dakota Fanning Dating

E! News shared on this morning's episode a picture from Dakota Fanning's date. She was out with Freddie Himesworth--Spiderwick Chronicles--and I personally think they make a cute couple! Nothing happened, just a quick little appetizer and then Dakota was driven home by her father.

Peace Love Twilight

Post a pic later. And, Freddie, he's getting kind of cute now that he's 16. -PT

Wow, he is getting kind of cute! When he was young he was kind of offense. -TS

Jamie Campbell Bower: The Next Big Thing?

We know Twilight and Harry Potter have been neck and neck in the books and in the films. We also know that our British hottie, Robert Pattinson, has been in both the fan-bases. However, this rising star also has his hands in both...could that made JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER the next big thing? E!News thinks so.

He played an evil Volturi vampire in New Moon, and in the new Harry Potter filmed he had a partially big supporting role. An interview tells us that he got very close to Ashley Greene on set of New Moon, but they are not dating. :) They also asked his opinion on Robsten. He shares that fans desperatly want Robert and Kristen to be together, mainly because they are Edward and Bella, but sadly, there is no Robsten [at the moment].

Peace Love Twilight

You know, they--E! News--also said that Jamie Campbell Bower is hot...yeah right! He looks like a chick! Don't you all agree? [No offense to Jamie] And even his name... -Bella

Maybe his parents thought he was a girl! Lol. -PT

Kelly Clarkson's NM Song

Okay, a long time ago rumor that was so far confirmed to be true, Kelly Clarkson to be on the New Moon Album. At first we thought it was going to be her song, 'Did You,' but then found out in an interview that--because of how big of Twi-fan she is--she wrote a song specifically for New Moon the book, and was invited to have it on the album. Her and her band were just then recording it.
So, is it possible that her new single, 'Already Gone,' could be the song we've been waiting for?

Peace Love Twilight

Sorry I couldn't post the song of YouTube, I only have so much battery left on my laptop. I'll post it later after I find my charger! -PT

Monday, July 27, 2009

New Moon Soundtrack Updates

The Used and Lee Safar on New Moon Soundtrack?
Lee Safar is a red-headed singer with a British accent who sings the song, "I'm Here," which pleased and reminded many fans for New Moon.
The Used, a band I have not heard of, may also be on the New Moon Soundtrack.

If you have any information on the New Moon Album artists/bands, please contact me at
Peace Love Twilight

Panic Room Review

Yeah, so I finally saw the movie, 'Panic Room,' and I loved it. Kristen Stewart was such a phenomonal actress even at that age. Jodie Foster had a strange character, and sometimes the movie got a little over-exagerrated, however, she is still a very good actress in my mind. Hayden Paniettiere was to be the original Sara--AKA Kristen's character--but couldn't do the film, so Kristen was chosen, and like I said, I thought she did fantastically.

Peace Love Twilight

Mini Interview

Here's mini interview snippets of KStew, Taylor L., and Chris W. with things that we've heard a gazzilion times before.

Source: TwiCrack
Peace Love Twilight

Funny KStew And Taylor Lautner Interview

You know, I talk about the chemistry in the cast all the time, and what is absolutly sweet and awesome is how funny and how much you can tell they just generally bond. This video shows how funny Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart are. I've also mentioned several times, how Kristen just scowls when they bring up "Robsten" but always is a big girl and laughs and makes a joke about it. Watch the video. So proud of them both. Absolutly hilarious.

Awesome Interview

Peter F., Nikki R., and Kellan L. are all very funny and they just seem like very warm and welcoming people. I mean, I could only imagine being on set of a movie, they've all got to connect and the atmosphere is probably so warm, I couldn't even imagine. Watch the video, you'll see what I mean.

Source: TwiCrack
Peace Love Twilight

Creepy Cool!: Volturi

They look no different than I expected for movie form! Creepy cool!
Welcome your Volturi!

P.S. Jane and Alec really do look like vampires!: perfectly beautiful. Aro looks ancient, and with the flowing black hair it's perfectly discriptive. All of their skin is translucent, as I imagined, and they do have a slight milky appearance in their eye. Marcus creeps me out and Caius looks like a chick...but I guess they all can't be perfect.
Peace Love Twilight

First Twilight Fan Interview

I interviewed a local obsessed Twilight fan, on the obsession of Twilight, and this is the beginning of our new segment!

Q. How did you become interested in Twilight?
A. My oldest brother and mom both read the whole series and enjoyed it. Soon after, Twilight the movie came out and when we went to see that, I read the series and...I knew that a life consuming obsession was about to take place.

Q. What do you think makes Twilight so addicting?
A. Um, I don't really know what makes Twilight so addicting...It might be because of the romance and the whole "Two Worlds Collide" issue with Edward and Bella...and then later including Jacob. Also, another reason it could be so addicting, is because, well, honestly, who reads one book in a series and then doesn't finish the rest? Ecspecially if it's Twilight! The last reason could be that, so many people are into the series and movies, it is almost like a fashion statement, you know. It is what is "in," you know the "must have." It is the most popular thing, like, ever, so reading the books, being obsessed with the movies and characters, you know, it just might give people something to talk about, whether they really do like Twilight or not...unfortunatly...

Q. Are you one of those crazy insane Twilight fans, or one of those that admires from a distance?
A. Admires from a distance? You've got to be kidding me. I've read all the books, bought the Twilight DVD when it came out at midnight, can quote, like, the whole movie, have already seen the trailer for New Moon, take quotes from the series and have Twilight posters hanging on my walls...what do you think?

Q. Do you think Twilight has had a positive impact on the world? If so, how?
A. Well, sure I think it had a positive impact on the world because, if a bunch of obsessed Twilight little girls (and guys) didn't have something to be obsessed with, what kind of world would this be with no popular obsession? I mean, seriously, if Twilight didn't come out as soon as it did, they'd all still be screaming and crying over the Jonsas Brothers, and who would want that?

Q. If Twilight had a negative impact at all, how does it?
A. A negative, all of, like, twenty percent of Twilight haters would say, yes, negative impact. It is like me and Hannah Montana. I am sick and tired of "Hannah Montana this, and Hannah Montana that." She is EVERYWHERE! Anytime you walk into just about any store, it is almost guarenteed that there are little Hannah eyes on you...But same for Twilight, "Twilight this, Twilight that," same impact though. The Twilight Haters feel the same way about Twilight as I do Hannah Montana. See what I'm saying?

Q. What is I told Stephenie Meyer has made over 1,500,000 dollars?
A. I would believe you. The chick must be loaded, don't know how she couldn't be! Four and a half books that are addicting and totally obsession worthy? Oh yeah, 1,500,000 dollars is right.

Q. What's the biggest way Twilight has changed your life personally?
A. The biggest way it has changed my life is not exactly the obsession, it's my friends'. Honestly, if every single one of my friends were not Twi-Addicts, I don't think it would be as obsessive. Sure, I'd still love it, but I wouldn't have anybody to talk about it with. And that is the best part! So, it has changed my friends the most. Which isn't bad. I love bringing up Twilight conversations!

Q. Can you even remember life before Twilight?
A. Heck no, I can't remember life without Twilight! What kind of question is that? And anyway, I don't try to hard to remember life before Twilight because it just pains me to go through memories without, so...boring.

Q. Did you like reading before the saga?
A. Yeah of course I liked reading before the saga...but reading the series kind of increased my reading level, and the desire to read so much. Goodness, I read so much right now, I just don't know how I couldn't read this much before!

Q. Which book is your favorite? Why?
A. Breaking Dawn, for sure. Breaking Dawn was great because all the big, memorable stuff happens there. (SPOILER ALERT) I mean, the marriage, the baby, and the showdown with the Volturi and what not. It took me longer to read Twilight than it did to read Breaking Dawn even though it is like ten times bigger than Twilight!

Q. What Twilight book are you most excited to see on screen?
A. Breaking Dawn! Duh! Though I am very excited to see Jacob's hot body and him in wold form in New Moon! (laughs)

Q. Team Jacob or Edward? Why?
A. Team Switzerland! I'm both. Edward and Jacob. Or I'm on team: Bella-should-just-go-die-so-I-can-have-Edward-and-Jacob, but that's just me! (laughs) But I can tell you I like Edward NOT Rob Patt, and I like Taylor Lautner NOT Jacob. Make sense?

Q. What's the craziest thing you have done to show your love for Twilight?
A. Oh, gosh. I have ran through my friend's house screaming, "EDWARD! EDWARD, WHERE ARE YOU?!" which was quite hysterical. But like I said, I also went to Wal-Mart as midnight when Twilight came out, and I went with my friends, we ran through the bra section so we could get there first. Oh! But one time there was a life-soze cardboard cut-out of Edward in F.Y.E. in Virginia--where I went on vacation--and I picked him up and walked out the front door! (laughs) But then my friend who was there with me yelled at me to go put him back. There was a big sticker on him that said, "Yes! I'm for sale!" so I got all excited like any obsessed fan, I wanted Edward in my room! I didn't have cash, so I asked my friend if she'd buy it for me as an early birthday present. She didn't.

Interviewer: Princess Twilight
Interviewee: Team Switzerland
Edited By: Princess Twilight
Peace Love Twilight

TayLautner&KStew Comic-Con Interview

These are hilaripous! And I love how Kristen Stewart just stands her gorund as an independent little lady. i mean, avoids shoiwing any emotion towards RObsten comments, and leaves it completly professional. And she always makes a joke about it. and you can just tell the tension that Taylor Lautner has whenever they ask a question a little too close to home.

Peace love twilight

Saturday, July 25, 2009

New Blog Segment

I'm going to interviewing local Twilight obsessed fan to give a different perspective on loving and being devoted to Twilight. Actually, I'm mainly doing it because I thought it would be cool to interview someone. So, if any of you would like to be interviewed, or would like to guest blog on my blog on interviews that you did, email me at
But anyway, as soon as I interview the first interviewee (I like my word, :D) I will post it here.

Peace Love Twilight


Okay, now that I've seen all this, there is so gonna be the local New Moon release party at my place! I mean, look at that stuff. How can you sit there and tell me you don't want to do the same?

Peace Love Twilight

Happy Birthday Michael Welch

Does anybody else have problems spelling Michael? I can't tell you how many times it took me to get that title the right way. Gawhd. But any-who, Michael Welch who plays Michael Newton in Twilight, turned 22 today!
Happy Birthday Day Michael!

Source: TwiCrack
Peace Love Twilight

My New Search Engine: Twilight Google

I was already a "googler" to the ultimate, but now I have another ultimate internet search addiction. There is a new Twilight Google. At is the place to search adrenilline rush and quileuite legends. Check it out, check it out, check it out!

(P.S. I saw the movie, 'Fired Up,' and it was absolutly hilarious!)
Source: TwiCrack

Anna On Twitter

Anna Kendrick joined Twitter. Follow Anna here:

Source: TwiCrack
Peace Love Twilight


I'll just have lots of New Moon Audio Book Parts to make up for missing yesterday's, I've just been really busy lately. Sorry, I promise I'll have some more next week!

Peace Love Twilight

New Moon Soundtrack Update

Every friggin lucky Twilight fan who was able to attend the comic-con got a slip that announced the release of the film and the album. The date for the New Moon movie release is still the same--November 20th, 2009. However, the New Moon album release date is October 13th, 2009. How awesome! I can't wait until I hear the music.
Source: TwiCrack

I personally love this band and rock out in the car to their, 'Somebody Like You.' Kings Of Leon are begged and pleadded by Chris Weitz, Ashley Greene, Taylor Lautner, and Kristen Stewart.
View the video here.
Source: Twilight Moonlighter

Peace Love Twilight

Friday, July 24, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I'll get the clips at some point, I mean obviously they're going to post the two sneak peeks at some point before the movie comes out. And also at some point soon. So do not fret, it will be here. However, I am failing to become interested in posting nothing about anything--as I mentioned earlier. When there is something worth posting that is something new that we haven't learned, I will post it for you.
Including the clips...when they are revealed to the internet, that is.

Peace Love Twilight


This is exactly what I'm talking about. This is what happened post-MTV-Awards, during MTV Awards, this is what's happening for Comic-Con. Everyone just gets so excited and jumpy for Comic-Con that either: A) they end up going and blowing money B) they end up streaming and blogging OR THE MOST COMMON HAPPENING: C)People go crazy and blog about nothing. I mean, a picture of Rob at comic-con deserving it's own post? Get real. Why can't they put pictures in one post, videos in seperate posts, and blogging seperatly? It makes it all more organized and enjoyable.
Now, as for my prediction of reuniting Rob and Kristen. It was a little over-exagerated, however, they are obviously shining to be together. Kristen is shy in front of Rob, and do you see the way she fidgets ever time he talks? Kristen is a very shy girl and got even more bashful around Rob in that first video. Taylor is jsut sitting in the middle, and I couldn't even imagine how much tension he's got in that seat. Rob is, as always, interested in everything Kristen does. When she's taking off her jacket his head immediatly snap and is curious on what she's doing. Rob looks at Kristen when she's talking, smiles when she screws up, and is still talking in that hot British accent. I honestly forgot how his accent sounds after hearing him speak, 'Edward Cullen,' everyday and night. Even in Never Think and Let Me Sign you can't tell he has the accent. It's so sad :(. But, anyway, body language always speaks for itself. Whether you know how you feel or not, whether you are trying to hide it or not the body language will never fail. Like, for example, if you watched the early video of picture taking, she was uncomfortable with Taylor soley in front of the camera, but then leaned all over Rob and got all cute. Rob's signs are obvious: fidgeting, looking, laughing.
Gosh people. Read body-language.

Peace Love Twilight

Part 1 Of Twilight @ Comic-Con

Well, they're not allowing live streaming, and I personally know that live blogging doesn't keep much attention, so that's why I'm not doing investigating on like the only live blogger out there, I'm just waiting for the videos as they come. (Which is not what I do in the genre of New Moon film clips)

Peace Love Twilight

The Tale Of An Obsessed Fan

I'll post more later, but I've got stuff to do now.
You know, as if I already wasn’t watching the New Moon Trailer obsessively, and as if I wasn’t already browsing the net three hours a day, but now TwiCrack dealers are giving me even more? I think I might die. Here are some movie stills/pics for New Moon.

Oh, and also, while checking out the New Moon site, I have realized many things.
1) The movie is most definetly going to better than the book
2) I will probably like New Moon more than Twilight
3) I’m in love with a 16-year-old (shame)
4) That I obsessively click on things that make my favorite fictional characters speak
5) I am very pleased with selection of Chris Weitz (and I haven’t even seen the movie yet)
6) That New Moon might help redeem Melissa Rosenberg after her terrible mix-up-mess-up in Twilight
7) Anything new, that I haven’t seen, Twilight related, makes my eyes glow up like a kid’s on Christmas Day
8) I am so obsessed I’ve already replaced my wallpaper and my IM icon
9) TwiCrack is the strongest and most addictive drug on this planet
And in discovering the official twilight merchandise store on Amazon, I have blown my money. Well, at least the money I was going to use for grocery shopping. Looks like the hubby and I will be skipping dinners this week! I blew $200 dollars at the Twilight Merchandise Shop, for things that I believe I needed for my Twilight Shrine. Yes, I am calling it a shrine sense it has gotten bigger than it’s original one shelf. (Now it’s taking up two walls, three shelves, and it’s working its way to my desk!)
Also, notice, on the New Moon site, they have a place for media. A section for trailers, and sections coming soon including: FILM CLIPS and TV SPOTS. Eeep!
Over obsess at the New Moon main site, here.
Over obsess at the New Moon MySpace page, here.
Over obsess at the New Moon Facebook page, here.
Over obsess at the New Moon YouTube channel, here.
Is it possible that that cute little information on the back of DVDs, could be this for New Moon?:
In THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON, Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) is devastated by the abrupt departure of her vampire love, Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) but her spirit is rekindled by her growing friendship with irresistible Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner). Suddenly, she finds herself drawn into the world of werewolves, who are ancestral enemies of vampires, and finds her loyalties tested.

“Every second I’m with you, is about restraint. And you’re too fragile.” -Edward
“Have you ever had a secret…you couldn’t tell anyone?” -Jacob
Peace Love Twilight

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

'Death Cab For Cutie'

'Death Cab For Cutie' the band, not the story where Rob almost got hit really hard from a cab, I'm talking about a band with the name, 'Deatj Cab For Cutie.' Anyway, FMQB shares that they will be contributing a new song they are recording as we speak for the new moon soundtrack. The song will be released in August and the soundtrack in November:

Death Cab For Cutie will contribute a brand new song to the soundtrack to the upcoming
film Twilight: New Moon. The track will arrive in August, while the soundtrack itself will
be out later this year. Twilight: New Moon will land in theaters on November 20.

I don't know about you, but I'm going to go search YouTube for some of their music and see if they're any good!
Source: TwiCrack
Peace Love Twilight

Monday, July 20, 2009

I was watching television, and too lazy to get up when i saw it, i remebered my phone was up mu butt. So i saw a thing on tv regarding the movie Band Slam, aka the movie to show a trailer of New Moon in theaters. But at the end of the trailer they showed the new moon logo and announced, 'to show a special sneak peek of new moon.' What a way to real in the majority me! Now im determined to go see the sure to be terrible movie, Band Slam.
Peace Love Twilight

New New Moon Still

Here’s an awesome New Moon still, and it looks to me that they’re filming some part before Alice has a book-altering vision about Edward. Jacob showed up and it’s incredibly tense in the room between the three, and then Alice has her vision.
That’s what it looks like to me.

Source: TwiCrack
Peace Love Twilight

New Moon Bookmarks

Hot Topic is selling a new Twilight product that will definetly be added to my shelf of Twilight!
New Moon bookmarks, including Edward, Jacob, Jacob and Bella, and the wolf pack. So if you’re a lover of any, these are a must!

Source: Twilight Sisterhood
Peace Love Twilight

New Moon Album Artist Updates

From Examiner:
According to an interview with director Chris Weitz in the Los Angeles Times, the soundtrack for The Twilight Saga: New Moon will feature music from Muse, Radiohead, Band of Skulls, and others. The interview is a July update at the end of an article recounting a May visit to the New Moon set in Vancouver, British Columbia.The director also revealed that, at Comic-Con International in San Diego this Thursday, he will be releasing footage from the film that has never been seen before. The sequence of scenes will include an action scene with special effects and a love scene.

Source: Our Twilight Chronicles
Peace Love Twilight

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Riley Chosen. Where Do They Find These Kids?

Riley is a little cutie. I never liked the name Riley, because I think of this little punk down in the trailer park (lol), but let me tell you, I can see why Victoria picked this hottie in Eclipse to be her wing. Not that he’s the best; he’s hot! I’m very, very proud with this decision…(even though he tried to kill Seth, Edward, and Bella and almost ruined their relationship as we noticed. And also even though he ends up dieing. I don’t care!)

Picture/Source: Twilight Moonlighter
Peace Love Twilight

Volturi Atmoshphere Spoiler

A Fandago was at the Twilight/New Moon set when they were filming the Volturi scene, and this definitely is all I had expected for it. I had wanted more, but this is what I expected.

The scene starts off in the Volturi's underground lair – it looks like it's ripped right out of the "Verdict" chapter, Page 467 from "New Moon." The room is circular, with dark green and red accents complimenting the cream-colored marble floors, walls and columns. Dim light spills in from circular windows, symmetrically spaced around the room, nearing the domed ceiling. Latin words fill in the space between the circular windows, creating an endless, connected chain: "Semper. Erit. Vita. Brevis. Ars. Longa. Tua. Vita. Mea. Nemo. Est. Supra. Leges. Et. Sic..." Three ornately decorated black chairs with gold accents and carved lion heads at the armrests are placed at one end of the room atop a three-tiered circular platform. Aro and two other vampires sit, looking bored.
Jane, Alice, Edward and Bella enter from the opposite side of the room. Their backs are to the camera and they face the three seated Volturi. Aro rises from his chair, walks down the steps and approaches Edward. He says something of this effect to Jane: "They say you have to get one and you brought back two and a half."

Read the rest here.
Source: TwiCrack
Peace Love Twilight

Interview With Melissa Rosenberg (ew!)

Okay, well, is dishing out a lot of interviews with our Twilight stars, and even though I hate the woman, here’s not a half-bad interview with Melissa Rosenberg (AKA screen-writing of Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse [the lady who screwed with our series]):
Her favorite character to write:
MR: I’m really enjoying writing Jacob. Jacob’s a great deal of fun to write. Charlie. Particularly writing for that actor Billy Burke. Charlie is someone — Billy Burke is someone — who you just can give a line to, you can give him a deep emotional line or a funny one-liner, and that guy can deliver anything and always brings something new to it. Of course, I love writing the relationship between Bella and Edward — it’s really important.
The biggest challenge:
MR: The biggest challenge is the Bella/Edward, because you’re always writing a line between real intimacy and what’s true versus overly maudlin or melodrama. True romance and true drama — that’s always the line.

Read the rest here.
Source: TwiCrack
Peace Love Twilight

15 Things About Robert Pattinson

15 things about Robert Pattinson. A list anyone would like to read. Some of it does remind me of Rob, even though the information has only just now been brought to my sight.
Here’s a snippet:
2. Like the rest of the cast, Pattinson’s canvas director’s chair had his character’s name (that would be “Edward Cullen”) embroidered on the backrest. On Robert’s chair, however, “Edward Cullen” was covered with yellow tape, on which “ROBERT” was written in bold black marker. Seems our fantasy boy likes to keep things "real."
3. I watched Kristen Stewart, Ashley Greene and Robert film a scene in the Volturi lair. During this dramatic play-by-play, Robert wears an ankle-length maroon cloak very bathrobe in its design. It appeared to be velvet, but I couldn’t get close enough to touch him. It. I mean it.
4. Edward’s presence in the novel as a disembodied voice in Bella’s head clearly wouldn’t do for fans hungry for some larger-than-life RPattz on the big screen. The filmmakers recognized that a largely Pattinson-less New Moon would do little to satisfy fans; therefore, Edward appears to Bella in vision form. Sexy, sexy vision form.

Read the rest here.
Source: Twilight Moonlighter

Rachelle Lefevre Interview On MSN

Here’s another interview for today, this is with Rachel Lefevre on MSN with the Twilight Superfan. It’s a good interview and has a spoiler about how they plan to make the “water/beach scene” work.
So, if you don’t want to see the spoiler stop reading now.

Q. They have the scene with your hair in the water. That’s like, classic from the book.
A. Yeah. Yeah, the sort of swimming with the hair underwater and then there was … they did a really interesting thing where they did this amazing stunt where Bella gets caught in the tidal wave. So we were all in the pool doing the same stuff on the same day. So I got to film all my underwater stuff and then I got to watch them film that.It was incredible because there was no CGI involved that at all. There was a green screen so they could put it wherever they wanted, but there was nothing involved whatsoever in terms of adding it after the fact. They literally took, I think it must have been 2,000 gallons of water in massive…the looked like those huge cargo rectangular cargo containers you put on the back of trains. They had 2 of those pumped up with 2,000 gallons of water and they put…first they did it with the stunt double and they did it with Kristen’s photo double.Then they literally, on “Action,” pulled the hatch and she got pummeled with a massive tidal wave and you could watch underwater, which I got to because I was in the pool. Or you can watch on the monitor and you could literally see her spinning. It created a tidal wave and they just filmed until she got spit out. When it spit her out, the cut was over.

Read the rest of her interview here.
Source: TwiCrack
Peace Love Twilight

Twi-Guy Interviews

Hot Flix interviewed many, and we were darn right spoiled! Not only were Michael Sheen the vampire king interviewed, but they also had interviews with Wyck Godfrey and our hot werewolf, Taylor Lautner.
Snippet from Taylor Lautner’s interview:
Q. Will you try to bulk up even more for 'Eclipse' and put on more weight?
A. Yeah, I am. Jacob continually grows throughout the series, so that means…no matter if I’m doing a film or not, I’m still going to have to put on a little bit more weight.

Q. Do you have a target weight right now?
A. I’m going to try and put on another…I’ll shoot for another ten. We’ll see what I can do, but I’ll be working hard.

Q. What’s the difference between working with Catherine Hardwicke and working with Chris Weitz?
A. They’re both so talented in different ways. What I love about Chris is the set is very calm and we’re just having a lot of fun making the movie. And then you sit back and you look at the results that are happening and it looks amazing so far. I’m so excited to see it. And you just sit back and see what’s going on, and you’re like, 'How are we having such an easygoing, relaxed time making this movie, and it’s turning out the way it is?' At the same time, the conversations with Catherine – she just related to us so well. So does Chris. They’re both talented directors, and I’m thankful that I had the opportunity to work with both of them.

Q. If you could give Jacob, as a werewolf, one more power, what would it be?
A. Oh boy, that’s a tough question. Um…I want to steal one of Edward’s powers, because I like them. But then I’d feel like I’m betraying Jacob if I said that. (Laughs.)

Q. Which one of Edward’s powers would you take?
A. Well, I don’t want to sparkle. Definitely, I don’t want to sparkle. We [wolves] can read minds, though, right? Each others’, but not anybody’s. Ok, well, I’d like to read Bella's.

Source: TwiCrack
Peace Love Twilight

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Billy Burke Has Eclipse Script

It's not official, or completly decided, or read, but Billy Burke has obtained the Eclipse script [as tweeted above].
Source: TwiCrack
Peace Love Twilight

Totally Awesome Chris Weitz Interview

Q. Just to follow that up, can you tell us how far along you are to completion right now?
A. I am about two weeks away from showing the director's cut to the studio. I've got some wolves with fur. Some wolves are still invisible basically and some wolves are like -- you've all probably seen the claymation versions. We are still in the light RD phases of what Edward looks like when he's hit -- what the vampires look like when he's hit with light and the diamond effect. Also, the kind of hallucinatory effect Bella has when she hears Edward's voice and she imagines him there. And then we are Alexandre Desplat has just started working on his music for the film. And we are just starting to put together what acts will be on the soundtrack, so it's kind of like keeping ten plates spinning at once, but it's all good because we've got Alexander Desplat who I think is one of the greatest film composers living and because of the kind of the strength of the franchise that I inherited, a lot of bands are really interested in working on the soundtrack and we got visual effects people. And that just leaves me hopefully not dropping the ball in terms of editing together the story.

Q. Can you tell us about the proposal scene at the end of the book? Fans are worried that it's either been altered or cut out of the film. Can you address those concerns?
A. They haven't been cut out. I can tell you that much. It's not going to hit them the exact way they think it's going to, but I will say -- how can I put it? It's going to be quite special. I could have saved all of my gusto for that moment. I don't think it will disappoint.

Q. Would you talk about these rumors or fan speculation or hopes that you might come back to direct 'Breaking Dawn'? And is there any carryover between 'New Moon,' 'Eclipse' and 'Breaking Dawn' in terms of planning?
A. Let me see, I think it's really charming that having not seen 'New Moon' people would be enthusiastic about me wanting to do 'Breaking Dawn.' That's really -- y'know I think the proof is in the pudding and they should see it before they decide there is anything else they want me to do. But I would hope to earn that kind of rumor. We haven't really spoken with Summit about that. All I knew is that I would be too tired to do 'Eclipse' and that somebody else take it over as well so that they could put their own imprint on it. Also, the way the films are being shot would have precluded it anyway. In terms of the planning. David Slade came in while we were still shooting 'New Moon' and I showed him everything I could to sort of give him a sense of what direction we were going. He is going to take it into whatever way he wants to, because he's his own guy and will have his own style and particular take on things. But, just as I was inheriting certain things from Catherine Hardwicke, he's going to inherit certain things from me and make the choice whether he's going to keep them or alter them. So, we have had discussions about -- Tippet is going to do the wolves for 'Eclipse' so there is a continuity for the look of the werewolves and obviously the cast is going to remain the same. Dakota is Jane and all the Volturi are the same people who you are familiar with, but other than that it's sort of David Slade's show to run on 'Eclipse' and by the time that comes out they will probably want him to do 'Breaking Dawn,' not me. I would certainly consider it, but it's funny. I find all my time avoiding the internet, because I end up getting into arguments with 15-year-olds in Germany and I have to concentrate on making the movie, so I don't even know the positive rumors out there. I don't know the negative rumors, I don't know the positive rumors. I"m just trying to do the best job I can, but it's really sweet that people would like me to do that. I think that's very cool.

Read the rest here.
Source: ROBsessed
Peace Love Twilight

This Kind Of Made Me Laugh...

As much as people pay attention to these kinds of things, it kind of makes me laugh. I guess that's what it's like from superstardom. People marvel over Robert Pattinson smiling on set but also go crazy when they find his was hit my a NY taxi cab. Well, for something new, now we pay attention to how much he tips at a fancy restaurant. Ok! has the right amount of crap, opinions, and factual crap. Which is why, if you can get over the crap-face read everytime, then it's actually enjoyable.
Read the article here.

Source: ROBsessed
Peace Love Twilight

New Moon Audio Book 16 &17

Here's your New Moon Audio Book Parts of the week.

Peace Love Twilight

HOT New New Moon Still

Okay, I am absolutly in love with Jacob, and I'm sure of you are addicted to him, too, so. Now, I also think Taylor Lautner is Jacob now, and either way, he was hot. But, this picture, swoon!
One word, three letters....
All of you have probably already guessed...:
Peace Love Twilight


If I hear one more thing like this from anyone, I might just flip. A friend of mine, decided to tell me over instant messaging, "Did you know Rob and Kristen broke-up?"
I like flipped on her! I did exclamation points and capital letters saying things like, "THEY WERE NEVER TOGETHER! GIVE THEM THEIR SPACE!! I refuse to believe that magazine tabloid crap." Along with alot of other yelling.
They were never together. We're hoping for the reuniting at the comic-con and filming in August will bring them "closer." God, people.

Peace Love Twilight


Okay, those of you who are dying for the July 23rd release of clip--or should I say clipssss--at the comic-con from New Moon, you can get an idea of what they're going to show. I read this article, here, that I absolutly couldn't pull my eyes away from the computer screen until it was over. It has good information, but as for those of you that I mentioned earlier, here is your snippet:

The two sequences he's readying for the event—one, an action scene that will feature some of those effects, the other, a love scene sure to elicit a certain amount of hysteria from the crowd—will be ready in time.

Peace Love Twilight

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I wish there was a way to edit my blog from my phone! Gosh! But, there's a song that my friend, Gina, intoduced me to that I am in love with. I think its got a good atmosphere for New Moon. 45- Shinedown. Check it out.
Peace Love Twilight
Still waiting on penants for the winners in the pole, and if they are not in by the end of tomorrow I will have to contact my friend who is always happy to contribute. Please get those in.
Peace Love Twilight
I apoligize for not being there to edit the site further more, but I am not available. My father flew in and insisted on taking me to lunch. When I get back I will try to finish.
Peace Love Twilight

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tomorrow Is Blog Make-Over!!

Yep, tomorrow is the day of Twilighter's Blog make-over! From 12:15-12:45 (ohio time), which is a few minutes after midnight, is when I will be remaking this blog. So, if you want to get the full effect of the changes, then don't check my blog out during that time.
Okay, I'm just excited as you!

Peace Love Twilight

Rachelle L. Interview

An interview with Rachelle Lefevre on director's and Victoria's character.

"It could have been bad," Lefevre admits. "But I think because Harry Potter went through it first to their benefit, we were like, 'The Potter kids went through a director shift and they were OK, so we'll be OK, too.'"And we were. Chris came in with such a clear idea of what the movie was. And he paid respect to what had come before -- so it was kind of seamless."

"It's perfect timing for David because Eclipse is darker than the other two. There's more action. It's not a horror movie, but it is darker."
"In the first movie, because I didn't have as much screen time, I wanted to be very clear. I wanted to convey energy and be very present, but also very playful. And that's because enjoyed stalking Bella with James.But when James is killed, it becomes about exacting revenge, which comes from a totally different place. It's not just a game any more."

Read the rest here.
Source: TwiCrack
Peace Love Twilight

Monday, July 13, 2009

OMFG! (Def.-Oh My Freaking Gosh)

Okay, not like I could ever stop being obsessed with Twilight, but I am kind of sick with the meanigless posts. I mean: Robert Pattinson 53rd Streaming Video In New York. No wonder he's sick of us [well, you]. I mean me freaking goodness, so what he's in a tux, so what he was smiling, so what more crazy girls tried to mob him, so what papz were asking him way to share way too personaly things involving his life. THESE PEOPLE ARE ALOUD TO HAVE THEIR OWN FREAKING LIFE! Back off just a little bit! I know Twilight is obsessive and hard to leave for even a minute, but my god, if your brain tells you, "maybe I shouldn't share this," then don't! My goodness.
People, can't you tell that's wrong?
If you can't even admit that you're a little disappointed, there aren't even words to describe you. I'm sorry it's true.

Peace Love Twilight

Happy Birthday Gil Birmingham!

Gil Birmingham turned 43 today! Yeah, I know, and unlike other stars, he doesn't look under than older than his age...he looks, well...43! Oh, I'm such a genius I know! Well, happy birthday Gil!

Source: TwiCrack
Peace Love Twilight

Sunday, July 12, 2009

42 Posts On All-Day Blogging

Yeah, my goal was thirty posts on my non-stop blogging day which was yesterday. I did forty-two. I think. I only counted once and I hope I didn't miscount. Anyhow, I was over what I wanted to be blogged. I think that if I could get 42 posts in by blogging all day, I think that by August 10th, by the time I will try to get 100 posts in, I will be able to do it. Hopefully I'll have some help from some fellow authors. There wasn't alot of news yesterday and there's not a lot of news today. I'm still sick and my neck hurts. So sorry guys, I mean I probably feel worse about not blogging everything than you do about now reading anything. Okay, well, before I start kussing you out again, I'm going to end this post.
(42/30 posts)

Peace Love Twilight

Saturday, July 11, 2009

LOL Videos (9&10)

These are in the category WKUK, and the subcategory in menstration. These are both extremly hilarious.

This video is absolutly lol. Especially what happened to that pour teacher. Lol.
"Good bye Rationality. Good bye. Good bye. Good bye Rationality. Good bye Rationality. Good bye."

The Period Skit, this is hilarious. And you can joke all the time, this is how we talk about it...but less exagerated. Lol.
"When I'm on period, my boobs get really sore."
"Aw your boobs get really sore, when your on your period, parinoid on your period, aww."

Peace Love Twilight

LOL Videos (6-8)

Okay, the category for this is too, WKUK, and the subcategory is PURE STUPIDITY. There is no other way to describe it all.

The, Nail Gun, is really funny in the beginning and then end, but the middle is a little cheesey.
"Oh Trevor you killed him."
"Yeah, with the nailgun."

You Can See Me, is one of the shortest videos I've seen but that's part of it's charm and lol-ing-ish-ablility.

Elephant Balls, is the funniest of them all and probably the most inapropriete by my opinion.
"Has the gardner man been coming in the house, Kevin?"
"Kevin go to your f*in' room."

Peace Love Twilight

LOL Videos (3-5)

Okay these videos are hilarious, and this category is WKUK, and the subcategory is Work Related Sketches.
The first, Office Head Explosion, made me laugh, and I really couldn't stop laughing at the end. "Why does everyone go to sleep so early in this house?"

Okay, now, Office Pranks. This one wasn't as hilarious as the last one, but it was pretty funny.

This one was also hilarious. I love the guy who plays the teacher. I personally think the beginning was the most hilarious, but yet, there was a few things that were pretty funny throughout the rest.
"I can do anything I want, cause my parents are dead."

Peace Love Twilight

LOL Videos (2)

Shoes By Kelly. Yes the Kelly. I feel like such a dork not knowing about this until now. I know how Patrick Star feels living under a make us feel like an idiot. Du-huh.

Peace Love Twilight

All You Twilight Fans Who Are Ruting Against Harry Potter

Okay, if you're on Team Harry Potter or if you're routing against them, it doesn't matter. This video made my LMAO. Thanks Gina, Jim, Austin, and Austin for introducing me to this lol Harry Potter Puppets Video.

Or as Stephenie Meyer would say it, "[it made me] laugh buckets."
Remember your mother is A Hippopotamous-Republican with sticks of dynamite and soup, so be careful. All the rest is Eric's mother [previosu remarks included].

Peace Love Twilight

Upcoming Twilighter's Blog Event

In case you haven't been checking out the sidebar with all the things coming to Twilighter's Blog, and even if you have, here is an overview of what's coming up:

July 15th Be Ready For The Twilighter's Blog Make-Over! A new banner has been chosen and a new layout will be applied. I hope you will like the new organization.
August 10th Honoring 100 Days left until New Moon I will take on 100 posts in a day. Which will include the long-awaited list of why Twilight will save the world
And every Friday we have New Moon audio book parts so that we can re-read New Moon together, so that way we will be finished right before the movie comes out.
Every Saturday I share some of my fan fiction or I will find some fanfictions that others have wrote and share/review those.
Every other Saturday I will have biographies of a Twilight star.

I am very excited for the transformation on Twilighter's Blog, and I hope you are too! But in order to not ruin the suprise I ask you not to get on my blog 10:15-11:30 pacific time. That way, when you come back you'll be so shocked and dazzled that all you'll be able to do is stare...or read. Whatever you decide. For the banner that will be posted, I will now announce the winner. Team Switzerland/Gina made Twilighter's Blog a banner using Picknic and that has been chosen as the winner. Come anytime after 11:30 pacific time July 15th to view the banner. Oh, and I will not tell you any details regarding the layout, other than that I will be getting from Leelou blogs.

I hope you're exciting for all that's coming, and I wish that you will stick with me. Got some friends who like Twilight? Introduce them to my blog.
Peace Love Twilight

Posts So Far...

I always knew people around the world worked hard, but in the blog world I didn't have much of a clue. All that I knew is somehow normal people, like the person on TwiCrack, somehow found time in their day to get at least 12 posts in a day. I had to work to get 37 (I think thats the number now) in a day. I was ready to quit at 6. Really, it's not as easy as you think blogging and keeping yourself in one range in one subject. For example, I was exciting to get 100 posts in a month, but the girl at Twilight gets that in 8-9 days.
I'm very proud of myself.
In this week TwiCrack had blogged 61 posts. And I believe that I got around 50 posts in, so to even be that close to competing with TwiCrack, even for this one week, is pretty darn cool. And, I'm not gonna lie, these kind of things get my a lot of visitors for my blog. :D

Thank you all my loyal readers!
About 3 hours left of non-stop blogging that I hope you enjoy.
Peace Love Twilight

Should've Done This, Should've Done That...SCREW IT

Should've emailed a gazillion people
Should've worked on my story
Should've blogged a little on Twi-Gossip
Should've been nicer to my readers
Should've gone to my niece's softball game [even though it was cancelled anyway]
Should've taken a nap
Should've done the laundry
Should've made dinner
Should've blogged more NEWS on my blog
Should've had a family lunch
Should've gone shopping for my nephew's birthday tomorrow

Hey, I should've done all that, but you can screw it all, and you know why? Because I was doing what I love to do the most: talk crap to my readers and cough over the keys. BUT YOU GOTTA LOVE ME RIGHT?
Yes you do because, "I have skills, special skills, that make me a nightmare for people like you....... But if you don't I will find and I will kill you."
-That quote is from Taken and I absolutly loved that movie. I was joking about the the whole killing you thing...but I'll tell you something that dude sure as hell wasn't fooling around.

Peace Love Twilight

[Freaking] L.A. Candy The New [Freaking] Twilight Saga? No Shiz! [Freaking]

Okay, so as you may have noticed from the title, I'm a little upset, sick, aggrivated, raging, f*in' f*ed. Sorry, when I get sick I just have to be angry with someone, so instead I'm choosing to cause you out. I freaking promise to that load of crap my dog just let out on the carpet, that I will not freaking dissapoint you by saying kuss words [other than crap, azz, shiz, and freaking].
So, don't remember when or where I read it, so if you want credit get your lazy freaking azz up and email me with you name, site, and link and I'll freaking reply when I freaking don't feel like shiz. IS THAT FREAKING OKAY WITH YOU MR.SIT-ON-MY-AZZ-ALL-FREAKING-DAY-LOOKING-FOR-SOMEDBODY-TO-SUE-OFF-THE-FREAKING-PLANET-BECAUSE-YOUR-A-SLIMY-BASTREED-BOY!
Anywho, I found read this one perfect marvelous article on L.A. Candy and it's author (who I can't remember the name of) might be remaking the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. By remaking I mean it's supposed to be as super-cala-fragilistic-expeala-dochus, as Mary Poppins and her film. Oh wait, no, as Stephenie Meyer and her beloved Twilight Saga.

Thank you all very much, I hope you have enjoyed this blog where I kuss you out without using too bad of words. I hope you enjoyed it, and I didn't mean to offend any of you "lazy-azzes" or your "dogs-azz" or even your "mother's-azz" for that matter [unless the person who is reading this is, Eric Casey, then the content towards your mother was true]. I love all, stick with me, only 5 hours left. Yeah!
Wait five freaking hours? That's pour azz-shiz-slash-crap!
But for lazy-azz fans who have stuck with me, or have recently joined, me I still respect you. [Unless the person reading this is Eric Casey's mom, cause I just want her to know thta's she's a f*in sh!7 faced wh0r3!]

Love you all [except for one person, and you should know who you are]!
Peace Love Twilight


That, I am: sick. My upper neck is hurting, I'm hot on my head, but I'm shvering everywhere else. And when I shiver my heda gets dizzy. And no Edward did not just bite me in the head. There is not venom in my system, I'm just sick. GO FREAKING FIGURE ON THE DAY WHERE I'M SUPPOSED TO BLOG ALL DAY!
And no offense to my friends and co-authors, who have been great to me and the blog ever since they encountered both, but it would have been nice for some f*in' help!
"S.H.I.T. Heads." (Those who saw Accepted will understand)
I love you guys, but f-ied f-ied f!

Once again, I love you all!
(I have no f*in idea how many posts I've blogged, and I'm not gonna lift my lazy azz fingers over there to screw it.)
Peace Love Twilight

Did The Movie Affect Your Vision Of The Twi-Characters

What do you think? When you re-read Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn, do you see Robert Pattinson's face as Edward? Do you hear Kristen Stewart's voice as Bella? Is Taylor Lautner how you see Jacob Black? If so, why do you think that is?

Yes, yes, and yes. I try to remember how I saw them before the film, and all I can remember is how I saw Edward--go figure. Freakishly golden eyes, perfect face, amazing features, a crooked smile and ocassionly the breath taking laugh, and freaking big biceps. I couldn't really imagine Jacob or Bella the same anymore.

Source: Examiner
Peace Love Twilight

Breaking Dawn Filming Rumor(s)

The TWILIGHT franchise is moving at rapid pace. Members of the TWILIGHT and NEW MOON cast, have confirmed that the fourth installment in the franchise, BREAKING DAWN, will begin filming sooner than expected. The film's stars, Robert Pattinson, Ashley Greene, and Billy Burke, have all made mention to a couple media outlets, that the fourth film will start filming immediately after the third film, ECLIPSE wraps up shooting.
ECLIPSE starts shooting later this summer, so it's realistic to think that BREAKING DAWN could get pre-production going sometime next year. Obviously, the studio is not too concerned how the films will perform at the box office. So green-lighting these sequels, is not a huge risk, due to the massive success and constant Internet searches pertaining to TWILIGHT. Pattinson, did mention to reporters at Cannes film festival, that he did sign on for a fourth film based on the popular novels. Kristen Stewart is rumored to be locked up for the film as well.
The TWILIGHT producers are definitely striking while the iron is white-hot. The only element, they have to be concerned with is director's schedules. This usually becomes a hurdle when trying to pump out a franchise into theatres this quickly. However, expect the TWILIGHT-mania to continue for the next few years and make it's mark at the box office...and Google searches.

Cool article I kind of read, like I said, I'M TIRED. What I read was interesting though.
(32/30 posts)
Peace Love Twilight


Loved the movie. And for the twenty seconds that Kellan was in it, he totally turned me on. He played a hot skateborder jock. Weak in my freaking knees! OMG! Ican't believe I've never seen it.
I'm so tired...think i picked up the flu. Either that or I'm pre-menstral, or my allergies are kicking in...but signs tell me THE FLU. And OF COURSE on the day of my all blogging.

Go freaking figure.
Peace Love Twilight


I just watched 'Taken' last night which I will do a review on when I com back. And today I'm watching, 'Accepted,' which I honestly haven't seen.
I'll do reviews later.
(Kellan Lutz in this film!!)

Peace Love Twilight

400th Post: Awesome Fan Fics

Some totally awesome fanfics!!!

Here's a totally awesome fan fiction that is centered around Carlisle. Esme doesn't exist, so this makes it work.
Medical Miracle
By: Hazl

I am completly in love with Nessie and Jacob, and even though it doesn't necessairly go along with The Twilight Saga, I love it!
The Darkest Night
By: VampGurl82

Once again, I am in love with Nessie, and Jasper, too, is one of my favorite characters. I think it's great to here about the Cullens' past too. I'm reading this already.
It's My Life
By: familyguyfreak101

Hope you enjoy, I did!
Taking a break, blog later!
Peace Love Twilight


I'm so tired I almost fell asleep at the that sad or what? Looks like I'm not the only one though...
Peace Love Twilight

Cool Songs

I donno, I had to post something, so here are my t0p 25 songs staring at 25 working down to number 1. I also highlighted the ones that would be good in New Moon.

25. Here Without You- 3 Doors Down
24. The Climb-Miley Cyrus
23. My Life Would Suck Without You- Kelly Clarkson
22. Shattered (Turn The Car Around)- O.A.R.
21. Don't Trust Me- 3OH!3
20. Come On Get Higher- Matt Nathanson
19. Simple Song- Miley Cyrus
18. Decode- Paramore
17. Not Meant To Be- Theory Of A Deadman
16. Gotta Be Somebody- Nickelback
15. You Found Me- Kelly Clarkson
14. Miss Independent- Ne-Yo
13. Rockstar- Nickelback
12. Wake Up America- Miley Cyrus
11. Whatever It Takes- Lifehouse
10. Waiting On The World To Change- John Mayer
9. What Hurts The Most- Rascal Flatts
8. River Flows In You- Yiruma
7. 1, 2, 3, 4- Plain White T's
6. If Today Was Your Last Day- Nickelback
5. I Don't Want To Be- Gavin DeGraw
4. I Dare You To Move- Switchfoot
3. Collide- Howie Day
2. Uncommon- Greg Long and Kristy Starling
1. Second Chance- Shinedown

Peace Love Twilight

Taylor Lautner On Screen

I am in love with Taylor Lautner; the baby face and 50 pounds of muscle just makes me SWOON! Any-who, I'm watching that little cutie-patutie when he was younger on Cheaper By The Dozen 2, and not only is Taylor a little cutie, the movie is real sweet!
Peace Love Twilight

Are You Excited?

There are many things to be excited over in the Twilight world, but yet there's not a lot of news that goes with it.

The reuniting of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson at the Comic-Con
The never-before seen clip of New Moon at the Comic-Con
The Teen Choice which Twilight has been nominated over 10 times
August filming of Eclipse
The New Moon Trailer to appear on your TV
The release of New Moon in theaters
The release of the New Moon album
The release of the New Moon COmplete Illustrated Guide

Peace Love Twilight